Info date: April 2013.
The main visitor car park is “pay & display”, or free with a Blue Badge. Prices are given below. It’s next to Hugh Stewart Hall.
Map | Main visitors’ car park on OpenStreetMap |
There are many routes towards it; the one I describe here starts by coming in at the North Entrance and round to the white-fronted Maths building (see North Entrance page).
On your left just after the Maths building is a curvy grey building: the landmark for your right turn to the main car park.
The curvy grey building is actually the Keighton Auditorium, but I gather it’s known colloquially as “the tongue” :-)
Here’s a view of that turning from another angle, behind the auditorium.
Heading into the car park, there’s a Pay and Display point on your left…
The car park pricing, as at March 2013:
Text is:
Visitors Pay and Display Parking
Free for up to 30 minutes ticket required
Up to 2 hours £2.00
Up to 4 hours £4.00
Full Day £7.00
All paid tariffs INCLUDE the first 30 minutes free period
Vehicles must display a valid Pay and Display ticket and must be parked wholly within a designated bay
Blue Badge holders park for free providing their blue badge is clearly displayed
Visitors may park in any parking bay in this car park if all visitors bays are full
Staff may not park in any visitor bay without a valid pay and display ticket
Vehicles are parked at owners risk
The University accepts no liability [etc]
Students and Orange permit holders are not permitted to park in the car park
Blue Badge holders will probably prefer to park nearer their destination, if there are spaces available. However, if you do need a step-free route from this car park to Science City, it’s via the pavement along the road you came in on. (Turn left onto main road, turn right after the white-fronted Maths building, then look for wide pathway on your left as documented on “Into Science City” page.)
If you can do steps, you may like to take a possibly slightly shorter route: across the car park and down a path and a flight of steps. The rest of this page shows that route.
This view is with your back to the parking info sign, looking north-east, parallel to the main road. Go to that far corner of the car park.
From the corner of the car park, a path leads to the steps down to Science City.
The steps, and a view of where you’re going.
The library gives your bearings for what I’ve called the “front way in” to Science City.